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Theatre major? Awesome.

Not a theatre major? Awesome.


The only common link that Players members must have is that we're all extremely passionate about theatre and love to have a part in it - whatever part that may be for you.

The only question is: what are you interested in?

In addition to all those cool ways you can get involved with shows..

We're always in need of more members for our committees! Committees help everything run smoother for Executive Board members who can't realistically cover every job for every event. The positions that have committees are: Production, Publicity, Box Office, and Historian. 


​The Production Committee is where you want to be if you're all about the "behind the scenes" stuff -- running crew, set design, costuming, makeup, stage hands. If you're interested, shoot Nick an email, here


The Publicity Committee is for those of you who are super creative, or good with photoshop, and mostly deals with creating flyers for every event, and hanging them up. If you're interested, shoot Devin and email, here.


We especially always need help with these two though! 


The Box Office Committee entails running box office for shows; you hand out programs, make sure we don't exceed fire safety capacity in the commuter lounge, and do crowd control when things get a little rowdy before our more popular shows. It's super easy, and is a great way to get your ticket to Banquet! If you're interested, shoot Amber an email, here.


The Historian Committee is super simple and fun -- all you have to do is take pictures. You're going to these events and shows anyway, might as well take some pictures of them and give them to the Historian while you're at it. This can be a good way to guarentee yourself a seat during a show, since pictures must be taken of every event. If you're interested, shoot Boyscout an email, here.

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